The problem I see now is that those who were empowered then aren't empowering now! With the problems surrounding Jena 6 & the Don Imus incident both situations were direct attacks on our generation. An each time Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton showed up, gave boring speeches filled with excessive rederick, and left! Many are calling this move the next great move for civil liberty, and a new move calls for new ideas, new energy, and most of all new leadership.
I myself am sick and tired of glory seeking leadership! Don't just show up when the cameras are on, but stay once the cameras are off and train someone, mentor someone, EMPOWER SOMEONE!!! Martin was effective because he had elders that he conversed with regularly and he was leading his generation! (I know because my family walked right with him to the very end) The reason why Rev. Jackson & Al Sharpton aren''t effective is because they don't have a clue how we feel or think. If your going to speak for us at least listen to us!
In closing, I'm very disappointed in the NAACP & The SCLC!!! With this being a quote "youth move" they have kept there directors of youth quiet. They should be the one's speaking up and standing out, but that's not going to happen because they all have been waiting and praying to GOD that they would get there chance to be Martin Luther King Jr., and now that the opportunity is here instead of realizing that their time has come and gone they rather try and fail then train others to reign. Harry Belafonte said, " We have to realize that we must shift from the front to the background, and from the leader to the elders."
Leadership you share power you keep. Either let us help or were just going to take over. It's your choice. This is not a threat, but a promise. Empower someone!