Do you ever wonder why things in your life happen the way they do? Do you wonder why they were allowed to happen to you? Do you wonder why you had to go through that situation? Or has there ever been a situation where you thought to yourself, I knew this would happen. I knew it was going to work out this way.
Do all things really work together for good?
These are all questions surrounding the providence of God. We often wonder why we go through the situations, ups, downs and repeat instances that life has to offer. We go through these situations because … It Is Supposed To Happen. The things that happen in your life are suppose to happen the way they happen.
The reason you were sick is because you were supposed to get sick. You had to get sick because that would prompt you to go to the doctor. You had to go to the doctor because after his examination he had to let you know that your blood pressure was high. Thank God you came in.
The reason you were late is because you were supposed to be late. You had to be late because you had to avoid the major accident that would have happened if you'd been in the intersection on time.
The reason your son was born is because he was supposed to be born. If you had gone through with the abortion then you wouldn't have the preacher you have today.
The reason you were laid off is because you were supposed to be laid off. If you had not gotten laid off, you wouldn't have received an offer for double your old salary with twice the opportunity for growth.
It's not coincidental. It has been established by God to happen. It happened because you are predestined. It happened because it is God's plan because your destiny has already been established. You can declare it happened for your good. Understand what you go through is for your benefit. What you go through provides the opportunity for growth and development while bringing you closer to Christ. If you hadn't gone through some of the experiences you've had then you wouldn't have learned from them. If you wouldn't have learned from them then you wouldn't be where you are today. You wouldn't have what you have to stand on which is how you keep going. All things are working together for good. It might not feel good but God will work all of it out.
Sometimes God is creating for you. Sometimes he is eliminating for you. Sometimes he is building, sometimes he tears down. He is doing this for your ultimate good. All that is happening happens on purpose. So since you now know that what happens in your life, whether good or bad, happens for a reason; Since you know it happens because it is all in the plan; Because you know it's in the plan and that it will all work out for your good, when it happens, just praise him. Tell the Lord Thank You. Hallelujah.
Let the Lord know that no matter what circumstances you find yourself in you will praise him. Praise him because you know that the situation is put in your midst for your ultimate success, for the ultimate blessing at the ultimate level.
Scripture References Romans 8:28-30 Hebrews 1:3b Colossians 1:17 1 Timothy 6:15b Romans 8:29-30 Romans 8:28 (NIV) Ephesians 1:11-12 (NIV) Romans 8:31 (NIV)
Everything I'm going through now is only going to make me better!!! Thank so much Pastor Mike Jr.
Keep letting GOD use you. You are truly on your way to becoming the leader for our generation!!!!
That was very well put, but What do I do to keep my sanity???
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